Hi there!
I hope you're somewhere warm! Thank you to everybody who's been reading, it's still a lot of fun sharing stories. This week I'm taking a break from my month of sharing edited stories to give an update on my novel, following my spring and summer updates.
Here's where we're at:
The novel is made of four stories.
Three are done.
One is at least 2/3rds done.
So I'm quite close!
I am a bit tempted to cut three of the stories and just enlarge the longest one. However, it's pretty decadent fun to have all of them.
I am at 117k words. I expect to cut 10-20k words at the end, and I think it will end up 105 - 120k words.
The writing quality is horrendous. When I'm done, it will be readable from start to end, but it won't be pleasant. Actually, I feel like I joke about this too much. There are parts I feel really good about, that I enjoy reading again and again, and I’m excited to bring the rest of it up to that level next year.
I expect to finish in November. When I do, I will be celebrating with friends in some Halifax pub, and you are cordially invited to join.